Wednesday, June 14, 2017

I am not very keen on making small money

I mentioned to my friend that I was looking for a permanent accounting position.

Though I have received phone calls from job agencies every day and have been to interviews every week, wholesale jerseys, the truth is that I haven’t had real permanent work to do, though I am still doing casual accounts thing.

I don’t care whether it is casual or permanent, the main thing I am concerned about that I can’t arrange holidays in advance if it is temporary.

This morning, my friend texted me: “Have you heard about Saivian, it’s a business opportunity that my friend is in if you want I can send you her details and she can tell you about it.”

I’ve got no idea about Saivian, so I searched the internet, there is a title:Saivian Review – Great Business Opportunity or Scam? In the end, the writer Jesse gave a conclusion: Overall, I don’t have anything negative to say about the company.
I said thanks, and I do appreciate friend keep me in mind trying to help me out.

However, I don’t think I am very keen on making money to become rich.

Sure, I need regular wage pay bills, but I don’t like earn money in a way that everyone else can do it, it’s too simple, there’s no challenge. It is only for money making, there’s no strategy, and it won’t let me grow.

Moreover, it takes time and effort, there’s an opportunity cost if I spend precious time on something I am not familiar with, and then I have to forgo reading and writing which is on my dream list in related to the long-term goal.

Though I don't make money from writing at the moment, it is fun which makes me smile because I am growing and it gives me high expectation: probably one-day good fortune will come to me if I persist in doing something passionately.

I am also happy doing accounts work as I am good at numbers.

Therefore, I earn money in the day and pursue a dream-writing at night.

At the moment,  I am still satisfied with not having a full-time job; then I have more spare time to do things I love.

It’s not necessary for me to worry about how much money make, even I don't have to work if return back to China, but that’s not the life I want.

I still need a proper job to keep me up to date so that I won’t lose the ability to earn money support myself.

Meanwhile, I can communicate with people who make me energetic.

Most important thing, I don’t have to rely on someone else and have to listen to a person tell me what I am supposed to do.

From my job hunting experience, work experience is more useful than the money you earn, because no one can guarantee you a secure job in one company the whole of your life.

No matter whether you are an excellent hard worker or a senior manager, it’s not your choice; the boss also has no choice, cheap mlb hats,anyone will be at the risk of losing a job due to economic changes.

Only work experience is your treasure, do more than you earn if you can because it will help you move on to a higher position or work in a new company with the better salary.

I remembered the first year when I have just graduated from Latrobe Uni in Australia; After sent out numerous resumes for almost six months without any feedback, not even a phone call; instead, I’ve got all the rejection emails.

After I improved English and gained more than six years local work experience in an Aussie run company

Now, every night after I sent about eight job applications, I can receive at least one phone call at 9:00 am the following morning.

There are too many phone calls and interviews; I feel a bit sick of that to be honest because I only need actual work in one company.

Today I received two phone calls from job agencies and two directly from companies, and I will have two job interviews next week.

I know it’s never easy to get a permanent position, but at least I have work to do no matter casual or temporary as long as I can earn money, that’s all right.

It’s pretty fair in Australia. By the law, the hour rate for casual workers is the same as the permanent hourly rate plus 25% hourly rate, so I have no complaint.

The other thing attracts me for doing a temporary job is that I can work in different companies with new people which are helpful for writing.

Sure thing, I will still keep accounting job because if I leave it for a long time, that would be hard to enter into accounting industry again.

One of my friends worked in an Aussie-run company for three years after graduated from the Uni, then she stayed in China for five years, after she returned to Melbourne, she found it not that easy re-entering the workforce.

If you make easy money with no skill or work experience requirement, then you will be easily replaced by other people.

On the other hand, if you work in a company, to start with, you don’t get the desired salary, but if work hard and learn new things, cheap nfl jerseysthere will be a  market price if you find a job in a new company.

Therefore, I am not interested in doing an easy thing only for money making; I would like to do things in which I gain work experience and grow.

One day I will have self-confidence that I am no longer afraid of shutting down the company because I have obtained enough knowledge to find a job at the current market.

Please don’t jealous others making big money; it’s their fortune and effort.

All you can do is keep doing what you love until one day conquer all the difficulties and then you will be above average.

Eventually, your friend will admire you for living a desired life.

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